Custom black and white glass gobo engraving
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Stock & Engraving gobo Europe
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Custom black and white glass gobo engraving for our logo projectors exclusively.
Not compatible with other projectors from other brands.
Engraving Type: Black & White Engraving.
Projection color : white projection of only the logo, no background.
The glass gobo the support of your logo, message and advertising for your illuminated gobo projector.
Laser engraved technical glass slide with your logo, message, sign, arrow, etc. in black and white for projection in white or color. You can choose this option on this product page at the bottom.
Which file should I provide us with for a quality engraving?
File to provide: vector file in .pdf format designed in vector software (with texts and vectorized elements).
Color of the file to be provided: logo in white on a black background. If you have this type of file, change the LOGO VECTORIZATION option to no, you will have an instant discount.
If you don't have this kind of file or you don't know what it corresponds to, you need to take a DTP option (selected by default) to bring your files into compliance at the top of the product sheet in the LOGO VECTORIZATION drop-down menu. An additional 48 hours will be necessary for a graphic designer to process your visual. You can then send us the logo you have in a .jpg, .png or .gif image format.
Can I save an image as a .PDF and send it to you?
Alas, no. If your logo has not been designed in a DTP software that allows you to create vectors such as Adobe Illustrator ® for example, it will not be possible to convert it in this way. To avoid wasting time, we advise you to take the vectorization option if you don't have this logo in vector version. Your order may be blocked and a surcharge may be charged for bringing your file into compliance.
Are there brighter colors?
White and yellow are some of the brightest colors. The colors red, dark blue, dark green, brown, etc. And in general, all dark colors are 2x less bright when rendered.
If the projection area is illuminated, we recommend a white projection, in addition it is the most economical!
It should also be noted that a projection on a light floor/wall will be brighter than on a dark surface.
Is it possible to project a logo with a gradient or effects?
Your logo will be in full color. It is not possible to reproduce effects (gradient, shadow, bevel, blending effects, etc.). If you want this kind of result, you have to order a four-colour gobo.
Can you project on all surfaces?
It is possible to project onto any non-transparent surface. The lighter a surface is, the brighter the rendering will be. On the other hand, a dark surface "absorbs" light and will produce a less luminous rendering.
Can I change the design afterwards?
Our illuminated logo projector allows the projection of only one logo/visual at a time. The gobo glass can be changed to evolve your communication.
Do you make a Proof of Print?
We do not make proofs as standard. We will only get back to you if there is a problem with a complex file or logo.
Important information: format compatible only with the projectors on our site.
Installing your glass gobo in the projector (very important):
If you order a projector and a gobo, the latter will already be installed in the projector.
If you order an additional visual, you must handle the gobo glass with care. The glass is very fragile and the slightest scratch will let the light through. Gobos are very fragile. They should be handled with care and wearing soft gloves in case of change. Always position the mirror side on the LED side (and therefore inside the projector).
Sending the file: via the File Upload category in the top menu (once your order has been placed).
Production deadline : D+1 (if vector file provided), D+2/3 (if vectorization of the logo to be done)
Data sheet